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Symbols of Christ

What do the Jews eat to celebrate the New Year? You guessed it! The Pomegranate. They are filled with stories, symbols, and meaning.
Pomegranates are one of the only fruit where you actually eat the seed. They are filled with little red, ruby gem-like seeds wrapped in a white membrane and a red/purple, hard, leathery outer shell. They are difficult to eat and there are many videos that are made on how to open the pomegranate.
The English name “pomegranate" is derived from Latin meaning, "grained apple.”
The Hebrew word is 'rimon' which means to exalt, or lift or get (oneself) up, or to mount up.
A vast difference, wouldn’t you agree? Why? Remember Hebrew is a symbolic language, this means they use fewer words to describe something, where English invent new words to describe things. With that in mind let’s take a look at how God used the pomegranate to teach us principles.
First, God prescribes the pomegranate to be woven into the hem of the dark blue robe of the High Priest.
“On its hem, you shall make pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet yarns, around its hem, with bells of gold between them, a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, around the hem of the robe. And it shall be on Aaron when he ministers and its sound shall be heard when he goes into the Holy Place before the Lord, and when he comes out so that he does not die.” (Exodus 28:33-34).
You may question this curious fashion choice, but God always has a purpose for his instructions. The colors, blue representing heaven, purple, royalty, and red (scarlet), blood or life all suggest the Celestial Kingdom. Being at the hem may possibly mean that it was to remind us of the covenant path back to God's presence. The fact that there were bells in between them (or ‘inside/amongst’, as the Hebrew says) reminds us that Christ, the Great High Priest is among us and to stay on His path.
Solomon's Temple
Second, pomegranates were depicted 400 times around the top of Solomon's Temple and on the capitals of the two pillars which stood in front of the Temple (1 King 7:13-22). Many believe Solomon designed his crown based on the 'crown' of the pomegranate. Why did he choose the pomegranate as the main theme or motif of the temple? Why not olives?
To learn more about pomegranates and their symbolism read the blog “Fruit: Pomegranates” or watch the 10-minute video we created.
Happy New Year!
– We have a work to do –
Keep the message of Jesus alive
in the heartsof ourselves and our neighbors
Some of the topics explored in these videos are:
- Holy Days
- LMLK Angels (מַלְאָך)
- Fruit the Pomegranate
- Manger
- Swaddling Clothes
- Bread
Each of these videos are free to watch and share.
Happy New Year!
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