The 2018 Called to
Learn of Christ
Curriculum Conference
A gathering of homeschoolers seeking spiritual enrichment who are committed to Learning of Christ.
Get access to all 42 videos and audios.
Learning All Things Through the Lens of the Gospel
A Curriculum Conference has only presentations about subjects to teach your children. It will not include relationship building, teaching tips, health, etc. But it will have presenter interviews from homeschoolers, private schools, specific curricula and institute teachers who all have a passion (willing to suffer for what they love the most) for learning the gospel using academics as a tool.
Each of these interviews promise to uplift and fill you with inspiration and encouragement to make this your best prepared year ever. Plus there are so many resources!
You will hear from leaders in the following gospel inspired Approaches: Celestial Education, Intrinsic Values, Theology Tree, Well Educated Heart, Universal Model and the Restoration Education, Principle Effect, and so much more.
LDS Resources
We have compiled a list of LDS resources available at and and others that can help you teach the gospel and academics in your home.

Make this your best prepared school year – ever! Listen to the presenters walk you through how they bridged the gap between the gospel and school. Learn how learning through the lens of the gospel brings great peace. The knowledge of the laws of God help bring courage to overcome fear and allow this year to be the year you doubt your doubts and become FAITH filled!

How is this conference different from others?
Where does the Called to Learn of Christ Curriculum Conference take place?
How will I access the curriculum conference?
How long do I have access to the curriculum conference?
What is the cost of the curriculum conference?
All learning is taught through the gospel lens. Learning the gospel of Jesus Christ with academic subjects is like seeing through both eyes, it gives us depth and clarity.
We are co-teachers with God. Teaching our children at home is about us learning to follow Christ and about our children receiving their own personal revelation for their own personal walk with Christ.
We are asked to “learn of [Christ], listen to [his] words, walk in the meekness of [his] Spirit.” (D&C 19:23) Christ taught two men on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection, they later said, “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us … and while he opened to us the scriptures?” (Luke 24) Use the academic subjects as tools to bridge the gap between school and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Called to Learn of Christ
“Christ will reveal … the purpose” of all things. D&C 101:32-34
To attend the conference, simply enter your name and email address, check the reCaptcha and click "Reserve Your Spot". We are excited you'll be joining us.
Learning All Things Through the Lens of the Gospel