Eighth Witness – Heavenly Hosts

Suddenly there was … a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.  ~ Luke 2:13

Following the angel’s announcement to the shepherds, “suddenly there was … a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.” (Luke 2:13.) The heavenly choir then sang to the humble shepherds of Judaea “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14.) One religion teacher said it was better translated as, “Glory to god in the highest, and on earth peache [among men of] good will.”

The angels were heralding with music the Savior’s birth among the scattered remnants of Israel.
​Were you there? Singing and prayer are the two ways we praise God together as a whole, as one. Think about a time when you felt the spirit as you sang a song in a large congregation. I remember knowing that Joseph Smith was a prophet while I sang, “Praise to the Man” with two thousand missionaries. It was a powerful moment I’ll always remember. 

About the Author Izaak Neil
