
Occasionally big miracles come into your live that change your outlook on life.  This month I have received two!  I have been searching for family groups and classes that will help me give my children the best education for them individually and as a family.  I found both!

First, I have the privilege of being a mentor with the Provo Vanguard Group.  This is a wonderful once a week principle based, LDS homeschool group.  There are fabulous teachers for my younger children going on at the same time as the youth are being taught.  Nickie Allen has facilitated this group and has blessed my family because of it.  There are four main classes, Government and Leadership, History and Geography, Literature and Art and Math and Science.  I teach the Math and Science class where this semester we are learning symbolic Geometry and Oceanography.  I get to teach what I love and have others teach my children what they love to teach.  They get the benefits and privilege of having teachers who are passionate and creative.  Who can ask for more?  It is a miracle!  

Second, I became a certified mentor for Life Changing Services.  I have three teenage sons who struggled with pornography.  As an LDS mother this is devastating!  Where did I go wrong?  What could I have done differently?  What can I do now and where can I turn?  These were the questions whirling through my head.  I wanted help for them, but I also needed help myself.  Life Changing Services gave me the education and the tools I needs to overcome the feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness.  The principles helped me see the real battle we are fighting against Satan.  The information changed our family from a state of despair and embarrassment to strength and unity.  I am so thrilled with the results!  It is a miracle!!

I would love to hear the miracles that are happening in your lives.  Please share them by email.  

I hope that your family and your homeschool experiences are filled with the spirit and you are learning and increasing in joy.  

With Love,

Here is what’s happening at Keystone Connections:

Three classes for one low price!  Tuesday afternoons I am teaching three classes for youth and parents.  These are unique classes filled with symbolism.  
1. Eternal Warriors – learn strategies to fight against Satan that really work.  
2. The Gospel in Geometry – learn the deep symbolism of basic shapes, colors, numbers and Hebrew letters. 
3. The Roles of Christ in Astronomy – learn the history of the constellations, the meanings behind the names, learn twelve major role of Christ within the twelve Zodiac constellations.  Read more. . .

Parents Who Know!
An eight week course for parents and grandparents who struggle with the feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty.  There are three types of voices in our head – 1) God, who encourages, uplifts, comforts and helps us remember, 2)Self, who asks questions, is curious and makes decisions and 3) Satan, who tries to get us to forget, be discouraged or frustrated, etc. In this class we will learn how to become very comfortable with God’s voice and our own learning. And how to recognize and stop Satan’s influence on us. We will accomplish this by setting a few goals and closely observing how Satan gets us personally to not accomplish our desires (of God, what he wants for us too).   Read more . . 

Mathematics in Creation
An eight week class for youth and adults about math within God’s creations.  We will discover and learn the characteristics of Christ in each shape, color, number and Hebrew letters.  Learners will gain a greater love for math and science, learn connections between all the sciences, colors, numbers and shapes and the history of mathematics.  This will be a class that will change how you see everything. Read more. . . 

Theology Tree
A once a month class using the Principle Approach.  We will begin in September with the basic principles such as word studies, character studies, tools of Remembering and tools of Retaining.  Then each month we will take one subject and go in depth with doctrines, principles and applications of that specific subject.   Read more . . .

About the Author Izaak Neil
